Hello friends,
Its true that for getting a Professional degree one has to undergo strenuous and cumbersome procedures and alot of sleepless nights, frustations, deviations and on the other node lot of expectations, day dreams and last but not least miracles which we are going to work out (Proposed to) with the organisation right from the moment we get Professional Degree etc.,
During our student life we live in future rather than present with higher expectations and assertions over the GOLDEN fruits which we are going to reap with our proposed degree(atleast by an average guy like me). Even i was under that conception during my Student life.
But, is Professional Life (Post Qualification) so convincing? Following are my few observations:
1. I firmly believe that not every one is cut out for becoming a TRUE PROFESSIONAL which requires alot of patience, passion, ability to learn from his past mistakes and dedication towards the profession.
2. You should have ability to communicate with various group of people and better acquaint with the culture of the firm in which you are working for better performance.
3. You should be loyal to the profession not to the organisation in which you are employed.
4. Inspire, invigorate, counsel your own team moments of need after all the team succeeds where individual effort fails
5. Don't hesitate to share your responsiblities with your team members as the interest of Professional should never exceed the Team.
If you lack above qualities but passionate about becoming a true professional you should definitely have to work on developing them. Never and ever bait and switch your selves because you deserve to become true professional.
Professionalism is an acquired skill gained through a variety of experiences both good and bad ones. Experiences give wisdom and a succesful professional should strike the fine balance between the human resources with that of other resources .
A true professional has to give the full credit to the people which will ensure the people to put their best in their job on hand after all now you are bounded(deemed) to become a true professional!
Readers views are solicited.
1 comment:
Its absolutely true in my case boss. I was really unable to achieve any thing with my Professional degree due to lack of foresight
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